at this stage you probably understand how adwords can help you increase leads and get found online by new customers.
there is however, one big question that lingers: why would you pay for placement in google if the goal is to rank organically with seo?
Organic SEO vs Google Adwords

why use adwords if seo is free?

The ultimate goal is to be found organically through your SEO efforts, however, there are some key reasons as to why AdWords should be part of your online strategy.
Time for Results: An organic SEO strategy takes time to see results, often 3-6 months. During that time you could be missing out on new leads. With an AdWords campaign you can start to see results in a fraction of that time.
Quick Adapting: Your goals, keywords and audience can change with little to no notice. AdWords allows you to adapt and make changes at any time. Due to the length of time organic SEO takes to mould, it is harder to change quickly.
Google Display Network: The Google Display Network can reach users on thousands of partner websites. This means you can display more visual ads in many different ways, not just in search. Your hotel can be displayed on other websites people look at after they have checked you out, a subtle reminder that you are still there.

adwords works with your seo

While there are many advantages to an AdWords campaign, in the end it’s another tool in your online marketing toolkit and a way to push people to your website. In addition, AdWords works along side your organic SEO goal. So, while you work on your long term SEO strategy, an AdWords campaign can instantly be driving people to your website today.
Generate more website traffic

गूगल ऐडवर्ड्स


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